If you encounter an error…

If you encounter any errors please contact us and we’ll take a look at it. You can contact support@logicbuddy.net or alternatively you can use the Contact Page.

Please provide as many detail as possible. The more details that are provided the more likely the issue will be resolved. These can include:

  • version of macOS

  • model of your mac

  • What you were doing in Logic Buddy right before the error

  • Steps to reproduce the error

  • Logic Buddy log file (available at ~/Library/Application Support/Logic Buddy/logic-buddy.log). If the error happens repeatedly, please open Settings and go to the Advanced tab and set the Log Level to Debug, get the error to happen again, and then send over the log file.

  • Copy and Paste the exact error message

  • If its a crash, please provide the crash log

  • Screenshots of the issue