Quick Start Guide


Download the Logic Buddy.dmg and open it. Drag the Logic Buddy.app to Applications and open it.


Follow the steps in Logic Buddy Setup to activate Logic Buddy and setup its folders. Add the folders where your Logic Pro projects are located. Logic Buddy will monitor these folders and search them for any new projects and get notified if any of them change.

Main Screen

Logic Buddy’s main screen is made of 3 basic parts. The Filter Sidebar on the left, the Projects Table in the center, and the Project Details on the bottom.

Filter Sidebar

On the left, press a filter to show only projects which match it. Press ‘All’ to remove any applied filters. The status bar on the bottom of the main screen shows which filters are applied and how many projects match the search.

To add/remove a filter, right click on the filter type and press Add or Remove or use the +/- buttons below the filter sidebar.

To add a project to a collection, genre, or tag, right click the project in the Projects Table and use the menu.

Searching and Sorting

Select the search bar in the top right of the main screen or cmd-F to perform a search. Searching will only search through visible columns. If a search is being done repeatedly it can be saved by adding it to the Saved Searches in the Filter Sidebar.

Pressing the column name on the top of the Projects Table will sort by that column. Ratings and Progress sorting will show the highest rated and furthest progress first. Created and Last Modified times will show the most recent first. If there is still a project selected, right click and select ‘Scroll to Top’ to show the newest.

Launching Projects

You can use Logic Buddy to open any selected project in Logic Pro. There are some different ways to do this:

  • Command-O

  • File->Open

  • Double Click

  • Return key

  • Play Button

  • Open Button in project details

Logic Buddy has been optimized to run at 0% CPU when in idle mode so its fine to just have it running in the background while using Logic Pro. This workflow is ideal because then as soon as you’re done with your edits in Logic Pro you can update any status or progress changes in Logic Buddy right away to keep them up to date with the newest changes.


When you’re first starting with Logic Buddy its important to note that if you want to have Logic Buddy automatically assign Genres to projects based on the name of the folder they’re in that you have to enable this in the Settings in the Monitor tab. This can be done later as well. This is useful if you’re using folders for each genre of projects.

The Settings also allow you to:

  • Change which folders Logic Buddy’s monitors for changes or new projects. Only projects from these folders will appear in Logic Buddy’s project table.

  • Column reordering and visibility

  • Status label customization for Arrangement, Lyrics, Recording, and Mix/Master status labels. These can be added, removed, or renamed to match your specific workflow.

  • Change the logging level for the log file in case there are any issues