End User License Agreement (EULA)

Logic Buddy End User License Agreement

Effective May 16, 2024

Version 1.0

This End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you and the Developer(s). It governs your use of Logic Buddy.


a. "Agreement" refers to this End User License Agreement (EULA).

b. "Digital Audio Workstation(s) (DAW)" refers to software which is used to edit, compose, arrange, or produce digital audio and music such as Logic Pro.

c. "Project File(s)" refers to music project files that are used with Digital Audio Workstations. Specifically, Logic Pro (.logicx) files and any data contained therein. If other types of music project files

are later added then these are included in the meaning of this term.

d. "Software" refers to Logic Buddy, an application for organizing records of Project Files. Herein, this only pertains to the distributed application and its associated files and does not apply to the originating source code. This includes the application binary and its bundle (.app), disk image (.dmg), and any files included therein.

e. "Dependencies" refers to software dependencies such as libraries, headers, source code, or frameworks which the Software either compiles or links to. These are subject to their respective license terms. You can read these licenses in the licenses.txt file in the Logic Buddy.app/Contents/Resources folder.

f. "Developer(s)" refers to the primary developer Charles Jared Jetsel who holds exclusive copyright of the Software other than its Dependencies. In the event that the rights to the Software are transferred, this will refer to the company or legal entity which has attained such rights which includes the rights owner, their employees, contractors, and subcontractors.

g. "Active Installation(s)" refers to an installed copy of the Software on an individual computer which is currently in use, regularly opened or utilized on an individual computer. If the Software is installed on a computer that is not in use then it is not considered as an Active Installation.

h. "License Key" refers to a unique identifier which acts both as a serial number and proof of purchase which is used to validate your license for the Software.

i. "Supported Systems" refers to the hardware, software, and operating systems that are required to run the Software. This information is provided at the time of purchase and may vary depending on the version of the Software.

j. "Necessary Action(s)" refers to user initiated actions which are performed with the Software which are required to use it. For example, that the Software must be downloaded and opened to use it, the License Key must be entered, and that a folder must be selected in order to monitor music Project Files in that folder.

k. "Intended Purpose" refers to the primary usage of the Software which is to organize, search, find, and prioritize music Project Files and to track their progress. This includes the ability to launch and use the Software on Supported Systems.

l. "Supporting File(s)" refers to associated files which are necessary for the Software to fulfill its Intended Purpose. These include the Software's database files (.db), settings files (.plist) and any other files which are required for the Software to function.

m. "Corrupted Project File" refers to a Project File which has undergone data corruption such as invalid or missing data which is necessary to open and use the project file in a DAW.

n. "Warranty" refers to the limited warranty provided which is detailed in section 3.

o. "Warranty Period" means the duration of the Warranty which is 30 days from the date of purchase.

p. "Purchase Price" means the amount of money in USD that the Software license was bought for. ie The total amount that is charged for the license(s).

q. "Transaction Fees" means any taxes and fees that are charged to the Developer or subtracted from the Purchase price in order to fulfill the purchase transaction. For example, credit card processing fees and/or tax.

r. "Relink" means to replace Dependencies with alternative versions. You are allowed to do so for some Dependencies. See their respective licenses to understand your rights in this regard. The relinking mechanism provided is to replace the frameworks and/or dynamically linked libraries (.dylib) which are included with each copy of the Software in its bundle (.app) although there maybe additional means of relinking which are also permissible.


This Agreement grants you the non-transferable and exclusive right to use the Software for both personal and commercial use, subject to the following:

a. All copies of the Software must retain any licensing and legal notices included with the Software. This includes both the eula.txt and licenses.txt files included with the Software.

b. The number of Active Installations of the Software is limited to the number of installs purchased. You are only permitted to install the Software up to your purchased number of installs. Any old or unused copies of the Software are not counted as Active Installations and will not count against your number of installs.

c. Each installation of the Software is activated with a valid License Key. You acknowledge that using invalid License Keys or attempting to use a License Key beyond its allotted number of Active Installations may result in deactivation of the Software and terminates this Agreement.

d. You may modify, copy, or redistribute any of the Supporting Files at your discretion in perpetuity (forever).

e. You may allow others with permission to use your licensed copy of the Software so long as this does not exceed the number of Active Installations purchased and that they agree to the terms of this Agreement. Doing so does not transfer ownership of the license to any other user.


You are hereby granted a limited warranty which guarantees that the Software fulfills its Intended Purpose on Supported Systems. This Warranty will last for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase and is subject to the following conditions:

a. You must take all Necessary Actions for the Software to fulfill its Intended Purpose. Failure to perform Necessary Actions is not considered as a failure of the Software to fulfill its Intended Purpose.

b. Modification of any Supporting File which is not done by the Software will void the Warranty. For example, if you were to modify the Software's Supporting Files then the Developers cannot guarantee that the Software will fulfill its Intended Purpose.

c. The Software is not guaranteed to be able to restore every Corrupted Project File. Some types of Corrupted Project Files are not recoverable by the Software. For example, if there isn't enough information to restore a Corrupted Project File then the Developers cannot guarantee that it can be recovered.

d. The Software is not guaranteed to be able to run or fulfill its Intended Purpose if it is not used on a Supported System.

e. If you Relink Dependencies then this voids the Warranty. You are free to do so at your own risk. The Developers cannot guarantee that an unknown alternative Dependency will fulfill the Intended Purpose of the Software.

f. You agree to allow the Developers time to try and resolve any issue which results in the Software failing to fulfill its Intended Purpose within the Warranty Period. If the Software fails to fulfill its Intended Purpose on Supported Systems within the Warranty Period and is not resolved by the Developers in this time then you'll receive a refund of the Purchase Price minus any Transaction Fees in which case your license to use the software is terminated along with this Agreement.

g. Breach of this Agreement will void the Warranty.


You agree to hold the Developers harmless and release all liability other than the Purchase Price of the Software minus Transaction Fees only for the duration of its Warranty Period and and under the terms of its Warranty.

Except where prohibited by law, you agree that in no event will The Developers be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages resultant from the Software or its usage (including but not limited to personal injury, commercial losses, computer failure, malfunction, data loss, time loss, procurement of alternative services, medical expenses, or legal fees to the fullest extent applicable by law).


This Agreement does not grant or assign any propriety or ownership interest or intellectual property rights in or to the Software excluding its Dependencies. To understand your rights in regards to Dependencies please refer to licenses.txt.

You acknowledge and agree that you do not attain any right, title, or interest in the intellectual property rights of the Software as a result of this Agreement.


The Software may refer to "Logic Pro" which is an application by Apple Inc.

"Logic Pro" is trademarked by Apple Inc. which has not endorsed the Software.

All copyrights and trademarks for Dependencies belong to their respective owners.

No copyright owners of any Dependencies have endorsed this software.


If this Agreement is translated into any language other than english and a discrepancy arises between the english text and the translated text then the english text will govern unless expressly stated otherwise in the translation.


a. Any and all claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Software will be governed by the laws of the United States of America.

b. If any part of this Agreement is found to be in error, unenforceable, or not applicable then the remainder of this Agreement will remain in full effect to the fullest extent of the law.


a. You may terminate this Agreement at any time as long as you uninstall, remove, and stop using the Software with the exception of its Dependencies which may grant you additional rights to their usage under the terms of their respective licenses which are included in each copy of the Software.

b. If you breach this Agreement, the Developers at their sole discretion may deactivate the Software (rendering it unusable) and terminate this Agreement at any time. Otherwise, this Agreement will remain in full effect for the duration of use of the Software.


a. In the event that the terms of the Agreement are changed then notice will be provided. The version and effective date of the Agreement is included with each copy of the Agreement and the Software. Any newer version of the Agreement supersedes and effectively replaces any and all previous versions of the Agreement once agreed upon.

b. In order to use the Software you must agree to the terms of the Agreement supplied with the Software.

c. If you have agreed to multiple versions of this Agreement, the latest version of the Agreement you have agreed to will supersede all earlier versions of the Agreement. For example, if you use an older and newer version of the Software and the newer version has an updated Agreement then your usage of both the older and newer versions of the Software must abide by the newest version of the Agreement which you agreed to.

d. If you do not agree with a newer version of the Agreement provided along with a newer version of the Software you may continue to use an older version of the Software under the terms of the prior Agreement included with it which you agreed to but may not use any newer version of the Software unless you agree with its included Agreement which supersedes any previous version of this Agreement henceforth.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how Logic Buddy's Developer(s) collect and use your information.

1. What information is collected?

Any details you provide on the Logic Buddy website are collected such as name, email, and other data in its forms. Basic contact information is required to purchase Logic Buddy. The Logic Buddy app itself does not collect or transmit any personal information. Its only online feature is its updater to download and install new versions.

If additional information is provided such as screenshots, databases, log files, or other data for the purposes of fixing a bug or implementing a feature then this information may be stored as long as necessary. For example, if a bug report includes a log file, that log file maybe stored for development purposes for reference. If you have any concern about the contents of screenshots or log files containing personal details, please edit these before sending them such as by changing path names or blurring out personal information in screenshots.

2. How is this information used?

This information is used for keeping track of customer records and licenses. It is also used to provide email support, download links, and for marketing Logic Buddy.

Any additional information provided maybe kept and used for development purposes such as referring to logs or screenshots to help fix an issue or implement a feature.

None of your information is sold or transferred to any other parties than the Developer(s) as defined in the EULA.

3. Requesting record deletion

At your request, your records can be removed and/or anonymized to remove your personal information from Logic Buddy services and databases. Please contact support@logicbuddy.net if you would like to have your records deleted or anonymized.

If you receive marketing emails from Logic Buddy and no longer want to then please unsubscribe to stop receiving any further messages.