Frequently Asked Questions

Where is my license key?

License Keys for Logic Buddy are sent in a separate email from the purchase receipt. This process can take a few minutes so please be patient. Most users will receive their license keys within a few minutes or less. The emails are from It is rare but please check your spam folder just in case it didn't get to your inbox.

Why isn’t my project file showing up in Logic Buddy?

There are a few reasons why project files might not show up in Logic Buddy:

  1. The project file not in a monitored folder. Logic Buddy only looks for projects in folders you tell it to. You can change which folders Logic Buddy monitors in its settings to add a new folder.

  2. The project is hidden because it was marked as complete or ignored. If this happens, Logic Buddy still keeps its records for the project but it hides completed and ignored projects by default to focus on new releases. To change this, use the ‘View’ menu and uncheck ‘Hide Completed Projects’ and/or ‘Hide Ignored Projects’ to show these.

  3. The project is unreadable or corrupted. If the project file is corrupted or Logic Buddy can’t read the details it needs to create a record then it might not appear. If these projects can be recovered by Logic Buddy then they’ll appear in the Recovery Window. This can be opened from the ‘Manage’ menu by selecting ‘Recover Projects…’.

What types of project corruption can Logic Buddy restore?

Logic Buddy specifically can restore projects that can’t be opened in Logic Pro that are showing the error: “The file couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format.” This is resolved by automatically restoring backups and recreating any missing files needed to open the project. While this could be done in Finder manually, Logic Buddy makes this quick and easy. It’s not guaranteed to be able to restore all types of corruption and doesn’t resolve issues like missing plugins and doesn’t do anything with proprietary project data issues.

Does Logic Buddy handle every kind of project file corruption?

No. Logic Buddy doesn't do any sort of recovery that involves Apple's proprietary formats for Logic Pro. The reason for this is that this could be considered as a form of reverse engineering which is against Logic Pro's terms of service UELA and that the format itself is subject to change. If the opportunity arises to gain legitimate access to these internal details then it maybe possible in the future but I wouldn't count on it.

Logic Buddy doesn't perform recovery of any kind for plugins and DSTs that maybe missing on the system.

If Logic Buddy's recovery tools search for recoverable projects then it checks to see whether or not it looks like it is recoverable. If Logic Buddy can't recover it then it won't show up on the list at all. As a result, Logic Buddy's list might not include every corrupted project file but only those that it can recover.

What versions of Logic Pro are supported?

Logic Pro 10.2 and onward are supported. If you want Garageband or older Logic projects to show up you’ll have to open these in Logic Pro which will create a new .logicx project file for them.

What are the system requirements?

Logic Buddy works with mac OS 11 and onwards on Apple Silicon and Intel processors.

Does Logic Buddy modify project files?

The only feature of Logic Buddy that modifies project file data is its project recovery. This has to be manually initiated and requires multiple steps and verification to prevent it from being done accidentally.

Logic Buddy does create a LogicBuddy.plist inside the project bundle. This is to prevent Logic Buddy from creating duplicate records for the project in case its moved to another location or renamed so that then its records can stay up to date. Just to be clear, this file is added to project bundles but everything else in the project is read only.

Otherwise, Logic Buddy is read only with project file data and does not modify or edit project files in any way whatsoever by design. Feel free to verify this with third party tools if there is any concern.

Why doesn’t Logic Buddy allow adding the entire drive?

Logic Buddy's advanced monitoring receives various events from macOS so that it can be informed of new projects and changes to projects. Every so often, macOS will request that it does a search if its not entirely sure what changed. If Logic Buddy had to search the entire drive this would slow it down.

It's recommended to set the folders as near to the projects as possible for the best performance.

Why does Logic Buddy only allow one genre per project?

Logic Buddy has a feature that will automatically assign the genre based on the folder the project file is in. There was also the possibility of having Logic Buddy move project files to different genre folders if the genre changes which might be added as an optional setting in a later version.

Similar to other music production services, like music distributors, a primary genre is required. Tags and collections can be used to add further details from there.

Why isn't the screenshot appearing?

If a project file its missing a screenshot, opening the project and saving it will create a new screenshot and then it will appear again.